Ankle & Foot Pain

Tying up a pair of running trainers

The average person easily takes over 1 million steps in a year so it is not surprising that the foot and ankle are prone to injury.   Injury can be caused by poor biomechanics, overtraining, degenerative disease or simple trauma.  Common problems include sprains, ligament and tendon damage, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, osteoarthritis, achilles tendinopathy and heel pain.

How can Petersfield Physiotherapy help?

Firstly we take the time to get to know you, your experiences, factors that may have contributed to the injury, what helps and what’s still causing you symptoms. We then complete a full assessment, looking at your body as a whole.

We work closely with you to put together a rehabilitation programme that works towards your goals and fits in with your lifestyle.  This may include hands-on treatment, activity modification, education and advice, strengthening and mobility exercises and a home exercise programme.